What Will My Child Learn?

At Respected, we take the education of your child very seriously. That is why we only introduce topics when we know that it is an appropriate age to do so. We also try our best to explain complex issues in a way that is understandable and relevant to their stage of life.

We prioritise your child’s safety and encourage them to talk through the issues with a trusted adult at every stage.

You can find out more about how to talk to your child about difficult issues below.

Our Development Team

A range of trusted professionals have written and are developing our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Programme.

Respected - Louise


Respected - Louise


Respected - Dr Louise Parkin


Respected - Louise


All resources are compliant with National Government Guidelines. Learn more »

Respected - Think Again
Respected - I Wish

For each year group, the Respected Programme is taught over a 3 lesson series using:

The Films

Fast paced, interactive short films containing all the factual information needed in the lesson

Follow On

Interactive resources that allow students to engage further with key themes raised in the Films

Student help

Students signposted to sources of help and support

Respected - The Big L
Respected - Fake News

Find out what our programme covers at which stage: