I Wish (Year 9)
Risks and Prevention
I Wish explores the reasons why teenagers decide to start having sex and looks at the possible consequences of making that choice, including unplanned pregnancy and STI’s and discusses some of the emotional aspects of that choice.
It educates students on how to keep themselves safe from the risks of teen sex including information on contraception, condom use, STI testing and examines the benefits of delaying sex until a long term committed relationship.
Can be facilitated by a teacher or (for Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch schools only) a member of the Respected team.

I Wish is taught over a 3 lesson series using:
The Films
Fast paced, interactive short films containing all the factual information needed in the lesson
Follow On
Interactive resources that allow students to engage further with key themes raise in the Films
Student help
Students signposted to sources of help and support